Solar products are fully commercialized,
reliable, and affordable. 

We make it easy for you to use Solar clean energy source.

We provide professional service and solutions where we take care of the project from A to Z.

Design & Build

MFS provides Design & Build services to a variety of sectors including industrial, comemercials, and residential. Since MFS provide all design and construction services, we can ensure efficient and professional completion of the project in the best interest of the client.

Engineering Integration

MFS integrates structural, geotechnical and site/civil engineering departments into solar department. For this reason, in contrast to common practice, MFS  ensures that every structure is secure to resist the greatest possible hazard including extreme wind presure effects.

State-of-the-art Technology

MFS offers a wide variety of equipment options that fit any need. Our customers always have the opportunity to see all their options and the contrast between them.

Education, Monitoring and Maintenance

MFS ensures that every client understands the process from start to finish. At the end of every project our clients are capable of monitor and maintain their systems at optimum efficiency through the constant advise we give to our them.

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